Do you know that laughter can be a painkiller?


Laughter forms an important part of human non-verbal communication. It reflects our mental status and social well-being. It has a crucial role in social bonding. Laughter can remove all the misunderstandings between two individuals. In short, laughter has a number of positive effects on us. 

laughter is a painkiller

But, is laughter a painkiller?? Do people feel less pain while laughing loudly?

The answer is Yes. A recent experiment shows that laughter has its own effect on lessening pain, and if people laugh naturally, not in a controlled fashion, he/she needs less medication for relieving any pain. For experimenting this, two groups of people were selected and one group was allowed to see a comedy movie, while another group was allowed to enjoy controlled video (factual documentary). In the end, the experiment revealed that patients who were allowed to watch comedy videos required less pain medication than those who watched control videos. 

The explanation for the different outcome: 

Experiments suggest that the action of laughing generates positive effect by triggering the activation of the endorphin system. Endorphins are a class of endogenous opioid peptides, produced in the central nervous system (CNS). These peptides not only function as neurotransmitters but also play a part in controlling the pain through their analgesic properties. Particularly, β-endorphin appears to play a vital role in adjusting us or other organisms against the effects of physiological and psychological stress. It is assumed that high levels of CNS endorphins are associated with an elevated level of pain threshold. This endorphin is also responsible for social bonding. 

The laughter that is helpful:

From this experiment, an important distinction is drawn between Duchenne laughter (relaxed, unforced laughter that is stimulus-driven and emotionally valence, involving the involuntary contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscles) and non-Duchenne laughter. When laughter is elicited naturally, the pain thresholds increase significantly. On the other hand, the pain threshold doesn't alter when subjects watch something that does not elicit laughter naturally.

So, let us laugh, and be pain-free. Reduce load on medicine. Be happy, both mentally and physically. 
I think, Mr Bean, Tom and Jerry are among the best medicines for pain. What do you think? 

laughter is a painkiller

N.B: High threshold means it required more pain stimulus to be felt. So, those who have a high threshold can tolerate more pain. 

N.B: Orbicularis Oculi is the muscle of eyelid which help proper closure of eyelids.

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